One of the Elders in our house, Elder Dolleno broke the sink upstairs because he tried to stand on it to take a picture of something outside the window. The windows tall, so he decided to stand on the sink? ok.. haha, 1000 pesos... I'm not paying.
Me and the other elder, Elder Green went on the roof to watch a giant thunderstorm! It was way fun, but so sketchy to get on the roof haha. It was super awesome and we found somethings we were missing on the roof somehow. Anyways, the lightning storm started getting a little too close so we went back inside so our aluminum roof wouldn't get electrified with us on it hehe, just kidding, it was just cloud lightning, but it started raining. Its turning into rainy season I LOVE it.
I saw a picture of my self on presidents Facebook page, haha, he showed it to me, I'm on my bike. Add him on Facebook!
We found and are teaching a huge family now! Its so awesome, I hope they get converted!
I weigh 215 pounds, I have been dieting for 4 days now haha. Don't worry, I always keep your wisdom in mind. I just don't eat as much rice. That's my diet.
The elections here are crazy. Its like a terrorist country with all the jeep like cars driving around with huge speakers promoting the candidate for a certain position in the government. Its crazy how its legal... Haha.
Elder Green and I sang "Come, Come Ye Saints" on Sunday. Along with that and great talks, it was a powerful meeting where the spirit was present in its brilliance. I was thankful that our branch president was so receptive to that spirit and bore witness of it at the end.
We'll know next Tuesday if I get sent to the Urdeneta mission... I would mind I guess. It would be fun to help establish a new mission.
The first picture are my baptisms. The little girls mom is now who we teach and her baptismal interview is on Sunday! After the baptism we started to teach her. She's awesome! She's so excited to get baptized! Next, we have to talk to her husband, but he's been working in Manila for a month...
The next picture are all the Elders in my house. The tall one is the one from New Zealand that plans to go to BYU. This was at 5 pm during the "early dinner" (5-6pm) hour. No missionaries ever use that hour to go home and cook but us haha, we have an inside joke about it haha.
The last picture is just funny to me, because all those scratches and fadings on my tag have stories and good memories.
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