I am so proud to say I contributed with 2 baptisms and 10 Less active returns! I got about 8% Of all the Less active returns in my companionship of the whole mission! That is crazzy mom!! My branch attendance since I got here went up an average of 17!!!!! That is crazzzzy! I had 8 investigators come to church as well! Hopefully more could have came, but there was a category 2 typhoon on Sunday.Sorry I didn't write last week! I repented for that, haha. I ran out of time, Sorry!What a month it's been with missionary work! Here is the letter that was sent to us concerning the record that we broke!
"Elders and Sisters our hearts are full of gratitude this week as the month of June comes to a close. We have a accomplished much this month including 117 baptisms and 145 less active returns throughout the whole mission. Both these numbers are the highest we have ever seen in the Philippines Olongapo mission in a single month! We should be proud of this accomplishment and grateful to be a part of this mission at such a successful time. We thank you elders and sisters for all you have done this month to make it a great and memorable one for all who have been called to this great work. We also congratulate the four zones that were able to achieve the standard of excellence which were Olongapo, Calapacuan, San Antonio, and Iba zones".“I’m so thoroughly convinced that if we don’t set goals in our life and learn how to master the techniques of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential.” M. Russell Ballard, PMG 146. We need to master the art of setting smart goals that will help us to stretch and grow. As missionaries we must always have a vision of what we would like to achieve and become “where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18) and once we have caught a righteous vision we must set goals and make plans on how we intend to bring that vision to reality. I know that as we do this we will accelerate our personal growth and of others rapidly and we will become the leaders and the people that the Lord intended for us to be. Elders and sisters our full potential is waiting. I pray that we will reach out and take it through intelligent goal setting, skillful planning, and a resolve to put these things into action".
Our mission is the number one baptizing mission in the whole Philippines. (According to the ratio of missionaries to baptisms)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm part of the highest baptizing mission in the whole mission! We have 5 baptisms this month as well!There were 2 typhoons the past couple of weeks but they were sooo weak!!! It was category 1 and 2 but sooooooo weak! People didn't go to church because of the wind and rain but that's just because their faith is so weak... Anyways, there were 2 storms, the lightning was cool, it wasn't dangerous though like last month!
I ate all the food in the box...The couple missionaries Elder and Sister Doyle are from Olympia, (Lacey), and they feed me sooooooo well, they gave us cake and tuna sandwiches, they call elder Doyle a prophet because he preaches like a dragon, he's amazing.There was a leadership training, it was cool. I'll just send you the news letters from now on.
I have another special assignment. My companion is Elder Tibungcog from Mindanao, the terrorist island.
I bought new boots, they were expensive.
The other day I went into the hospital because I have a rash and its spreading to the middle of my thighs so they gave me a shot, some pills, and some cream (which was super expensive but I'm getting reimbursed) to use. And 2 nights ago was hell. It was the WORST night of my life. Worse than those nights when I had those migraines growing up. It was HORRIIBBLLEE, I made so many promises to God if he would take away the pain and itch. It was a SEVERE itch to the point of excessive tears and screaming. But i guess I can laugh about it now. I tried EVERYTHING to stop the itching! My rash itched worse than any of you may have experience. It had a flaming burn behind it too, it SUUUUCCKKED. I was in bed till 1 am with the fan on it hahahahaha. I am sooo grateful that I fell asleep haha. It was worse than you can imagine. THE WORST. But it's getting better now I promise! It's not red anymore, I do exactly what the doctors said to do. Apparently I'm allergic to chicken, eggs, shrimp and shell foods? I'm abstaining.Mom, email the Sapinoros, (your family) They are my first baptisms, apparently they are going less active and haven't gone to church in 2 months now!!! Help them!
I love you all, I hope you forgive me with this big letter! Love yall!