This week was crazy... Hopefully I can remember why. I'll get back to this...
Okay I remember now. So there's this investigator that I found the other day who said the day before we went to his house that he prayed to God if he would show him the truth. (This is also a guy that told us he saw Jesus Christ) And the very next day we came and knocked on his door. He was really surprised to see us there as representatives of Jesus Christ because of the quickly answered prayer of his. Anyways, he told us he prayed and that also in the past he saw Jesus Christ, and I even felt like what he said was true, and so we automatically taught principle 6 which is the restoration of the gospel and told him how even a 14 year old boy named Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ, and because we listened to the spirit and taught that lesson first, he accepted it and I invited him and his whole family to be baptized. They even came to church. I'm having some real success and I thank you all for your prayers.
Also yesterday we were struggling with work getting denied and rejected, but I prayed in my heart for an answer. Then we went straight back to an investigators house that wasn't at his house the first time. I don't know why but I did, and when we got there there wasn't anyone there. So disappointed , especially me being the decision maker, then we walked back with our bikes to the street, as we were walking I heard screaming and so I ran to it and I saw two girls on a tree and a 12 inch lizard biting super hard at a stick that they were poking it with. They were terrified and couldn't get off the tree. They were about 50 ft in the air, so I told one girl to climb down a super skinny branch that I thought she could make and then I caught her with no harm done. Then ended up being one of our investigators!!!! She is a 13 yr old girl that was gathering nuts in the tree. Now there was another girl in the tree and being 6ft 200 lbs, I wouldn't even get CLOSE to this crazy lizard. It was literally crazy and super angry. We waited and all of us ate nuts as we watched the lizard, and after 2 minutes the lizard disappeared and the girl was able to climb down with no harm done. I remember praying the previous night for an opportunity to be able to serve someone and My prayer was answered after following the promptings of the spirit. Anyways, while walking from the tree to the street our investigator walked right out his house and said come in come in! So we were able to have one investigator and teach another!
Always pray for opportunities to help. Walang kasing ganda talaga. There is nothing as good as service. I love u all.
Elder Kapeliela