Hi family!

Happy birthday to the best mom in the world who made me into the Missionary and Eagle Scout that I am (literally)! As I work here everyday seeing all sorts of families, inactive or active, or nonmembers, I think of how genius my mom was at raising me... Like seriously. I never had a Law of chastity problem or word of wisdom or anything major problem. Seriously, genius is the only word. and I know as sure as I'm going to breath in 2 seconds that my mom loves the HECK out of me, to the point wear I never feel alone even on this island. As I'm here doing the dishes and washing clothes everyday, and cleaning counters I can't say thank you enough to you for basically spoiling me and giving me the best and happiest childhood a child could EVER ask for. mahal kita nanay!

I hope you are all laughing everyday and enjoying life. Try raising your hands at your next Sunday School meeting and ask a funny but relevant question. For example a High Priest asked during a discussion about the importance of the law of chastity is even for adults, if it was a sin if it was a sin if a different woman even walked into the door. Than I asked if it was a sin if you even thought of a woman walking into your house. Man they were DYING laughing seriously haha. Just have fun, always in your Priesthood or Relief Society classes. Remember that it is wrong to be easily offended, so just have fun ask thought provoking, or funny relevant questions in your next class or discussion. I learned how to do it from the best. A legend actually. He served in the Spokane mission in 1979 haha. Anyways, you get the picture, don't ever let a class be boring if you have a hand and a Kapeliela/Rude thinker on ya.

I have 2 baptisms on Saturday and then 3 on Bianca's birthday! wow, I'm almost 20 hahahahahaha. But you all know I don't act it haha. Just kidding you don't know what I'm like, cause Ive been here 6 months!!! 6 now!!! WHOOOOAA!! 18 more!!!!!!!! 1/4 done! 3 more quarters left! HALF A YEAR!!!!! Transfers on Tuesday (next).
